Thursday, November 18, 2010

If Slaughterhouses Had Glass Walls, Everyone Would Be Vegetarian

I went vegetarian in June. (Pescatarian, if you want to get technical...I still eat fish.) I'd always contemplated it, often feeling guilty about eating meat. I tried for awhile to eat only "happy" meat (free range, grass fed, and whathaveyou), but my family didn't seem to understand what that meant. Justin is vegetarian and - I'll be honest - that played a SMALL part in me giving it a whirl. Anyway, I'm enjoying it. I don't have to feel guilty about eating the animals, I'm helping reduce my carbon footprint, etc.
I do crave meat, though, still. Yesterday I smelled McDonald's and instantly wanted a Crispy Chicken Sandwich. I know! I didn't even eat the shit when I did eat meat! I've been thinking about going back to eating meat for a few weeks. I said I'd give vegetarianism a try, and I did. But...can I? In good conscience, can I? I think I need some more time to think about it. And IF I do go back...I'm not telling my family. : P

Warning: The video below is not for the faint of heart, mind, or stomach.

Find out more at

(The above does not mean I am a fan of PETA. I just think people should know some of the stuff in the video. End of story.)

Also, my cousin was telling me today (I was half asleep, so I'll have to get more info later) that she saw some program today about farmed in China. Apparently they're dumping the sewage into the water and then giving fish lots of antibiotics and crapola to keep them alive in the (literally) shitty water. Ugh. It's so hard being informed, isn't it? : P

(Apparently I like parentheses today. Huh.)

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